BFR Volunteer Program

Bear Family Restaurants has a long and rich history of community volunteerism.
In fact, we’re so committed to volunteerism, that we’re willing to recognize you for your team and individual volunteer activities throughout the year. Click below for all details on the BFR Volunteer Policy.

All volunteer hours should be tracked through MobileServe.
If you volunteer during working hours and are getting paid for that time, those hours will not count towards the policy to earn paid time off or extra pay. HOWEVER, those hours still count towards our BFR total team volunteer hours so please log them and choose the ‘Service Category’ of “Non-Qualified Hours (during working hours)”.

 Click below for instructions on using the app. If you are not yet registered on the site and have not received an email invitation for it, please reach out to

Below is a comprehensive list of BFR approved organizations for volunteering.

BFR Volunteer Group Events

BFR Volunteer Group Events

These are scheduled on a
regular basis and can be viewed
through the “Opportunities”
tab on your MobileServe app.
These are great opportunities
for you to log volunteer hours
and create great memories
with your BFR teammates while
serving the community!

Would you like to volunteer for an organization that’s not on the list?

Would you like to volunteer for an organization that’s not on the list?

No problem!
We’d love to add more to our list.
Email to
ask about approval BEFORE you
volunteer to make sure it qualifies.

Location Reminder

Location Reminder

In order for your volunteer hours
to count towards your total
for the pay/vacation benefit,
they have to be served in a
community that we have a
restaurant in – unless it is an approved organization/location listed below. See a full list of
our locations here.

Representing BFR

Representing BFR

Please remember that every
time you volunteer you are
a representative of BFR and
should present yourself in a
professional manner while still
having fun and enjoying these
wonderful opportunities to make a